- Install TinyTeX or MiKTeX
- Install Latex Workshop in VSCode
- Follow https://github.com/James-Yu/LaTeX-Workshop/wiki/Install and set PATH environment variable
- 設定 VSCode
Modify the path to your environment path is
// settings.json
// 編譯順序會依照這裡所設定的recipes
"latex-workshop.latex.recipes": [
"name": "xe->bib->xe->xe",
"tools": ["xelatex", "bibtex", "xelatex", "xelatex"]
"name": "xelatex",
"tools": ["xelatex"]
"latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
"name": "xelatex",
"command": "/opt/homebrew/bin/xelatex",
"args": [
"name": "pdflatex",
"command": "/opt/homebrew/bin/pdflatex",
"args": [
"name": "bibtex",
"command": "/opt/homebrew/bin/bibtex",
"args": ["%DOCFILE%"]
- Download Noto Serif TC Font
- Download Subset Noto CJK
% xeCJK
\usepackage[]{xeCJK} % 中日韓字體套件
\usepackage{fontspec} % 讓latex可以使用系統字體
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\setsansfont{Times New Roman}
\setmonofont{Times New Roman}
% 新增補充字
"73C9 -> "73C9, % 珉
\setCJKmainfont[]{Noto Serif TC}
\setCJKmainfont[SIP, Path=fonts/]{NotoSerifTC-Regular-Subset.otf}
\setCJKmonofont[]{Noto Serif TC}
% Content...
\pagebreak % new page
\printbibliography % show references
Other Packages
% Set image path
\usepackage{graphicx} % used to insert image
\graphicspath{{images/}} % image path
\usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry} % set margin, top right, bottom, left
\usepackage{setspace} % 用於設定行高
\onehalfspacing % 行高
\usepackage{float} % used to fixed place not floating
\usepackage{url} % url reference